Diseases & Conditions Archives - The Compounding Pharmacy of America https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/category/diseases-conditions/ Thu, 07 Dec 2023 22:20:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://compoundingrxusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cxusa-100x100.png Diseases & Conditions Archives - The Compounding Pharmacy of America https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/category/diseases-conditions/ 32 32 217036226 Osteoporosis Prevention Tips https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/osteoporosis-weak-bones/ Wed, 28 Jun 2023 04:29:27 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=933 Bone and joint health

Bone and joint health is important to our overall health. However, some medications have been found to cause decreased bone density and weaker bone health overall.

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Supplements and Compounding Diabetic Medications https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/compounding-for-diabetic/ Thu, 23 Feb 2023 14:51:12 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=8539 Supplements and Compounding Diabetic Medications

Many people need to address diabetes. So, how well does compounding diabetic medication address symptoms and one’s lifestyle?

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How to Treat Gout at Home https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/treat-gout-at-home/ Fri, 18 Nov 2022 15:46:03 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=8412 How to Treat Gout Attacks at Home

Many are unaware how to treat gout at home with behaviors, vitamins, and supplements. Most people are on their feet for a large portion of the day. Whether you walk or run at work, care for children and pets, or simply need to get from one room of the house to another, your feet play […]

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Can Cancer Drugs Be Compounded? https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/compounding-cancer-drugs/ Mon, 07 Mar 2022 21:38:56 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=7823 drugs for cancer treatment

Many of the most effective cancer treatments can, unfortunately, take an enormous toll on the patient’s body. That’s not even considering the intense emotional stress cancer patients can be under as they progress through treatments and battle their illness. The treatment process can be strenuous and difficult to navigate for their care providers, as well. […]

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Understanding the Early Warning Signs of Diabetes https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/diabetes-early-warning-signs/ Tue, 11 Jan 2022 22:54:04 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=7717 Understanding the Early Warning Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic health issue that occurs when a person’s blood sugar levels become too high. This increase in blood sugar can result from a variety of different mechanisms within the body, but it always prevents the cells from utilizing food to make energy. As such, when left untreated, diabetes can result in severe […]

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Most Common STDs and How to Get Rid of Them https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/common-stds-how-to-get-rid/ Mon, 18 May 2020 18:54:35 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=6506 STD

The acronym STD refers to a Sexually Transmitted Disease. This is a set of diseases or infections spread specifically through sexual activity or intercourse with an infected partner. The term Sexually Transmitted Infection (or STI) is also frequently used to refer to this same set of ailments. However, knowing whether you have an STD is a little tricky because the symptoms are common to other issues.

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Why Are There Different Types of Lymphoma? https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/why-are-there-different-types-of-lymphoma/ Fri, 17 Jan 2020 21:03:17 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=1950 Lymphoma Differences

You’ve probably heard of lymphoma, which is a cancer that begins in the lymphocytes. You may have even heard of the two main types, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. What you may not know, however, are the differences between each and how the classification affects treatment. These two types of cancer have different etiologies, prognoses, and […]

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Supporting Your Breast Cancer Treatment Plan With Quality Nutrition https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/supporting-your-breast-cancer-treatment-plan-with-quality-nutrition/ Tue, 22 Oct 2019 19:24:27 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=1952 Breast Cancer Support with Nutrition

Receiving news of a breast cancer diagnosis can be devastating. We as a society have made great strides in the early identification and treatment of breast cancer, but many uncertainties remain that persist through the process. Some of the most common questions that people have following a breast cancer diagnosis include: What stage is the […]

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Learning That Your Lung Cancer Is “Inoperable” https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/learning-that-your-lung-cancer-is-inoperable/ Fri, 18 Oct 2019 23:22:35 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=1951 Learning Your Lung Cancer is Inoperable

A diagnosis of any type of cancer can be devastating, but learning that your lung cancer is inoperable can make the situation seem hopeless. During the course of testing, diagnosis, and grading of cancer, you will likely encounter terminology you do not understand. Knowing your options and how to proceed following a diagnosis of an […]

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Immediate Gout Pain Relief with Compounded Pain Creams https://compoundingrxusa.com/blog/treating-gout-pain-with-compounded-pain-creams/ Fri, 27 Sep 2019 08:00:48 +0000 https://compoundingrxusa.com/?p=1184 Treating Gout Pain with Compounded Pain Creams - Compounding Pharmacy Of America

Compounded pain creams may not fix the root cause of gout, but they can provide relief during gout attacks by treating gout pain directly at the source.

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